IQ Option Login & Login Problems Explained!

Guys, Let’s talk about IQ Option Login. If you are a regular trader, you have to log in regularly on the IQ Option platform for many reasons. If you would like to log in on IQ Option, merely refer to the link below and enter your email and password to log in.

Click Here to Log In IQ Option

But if you don’t have any IQ option account yet, you are still not too late to open a FREE account. You need your email address and password to create an IQ Option account. Please submit the form below to create a FREE IQ Option demo account or real account. It will not cost any money to build an account. You can deposit when you are comfortable.

Create IQ Option Account Now

Even you don’t need any credit card information to create an IQ option account. Because of this broker’s flexibility, it has gained a lot of popularity, and it has become the best broker in the world. Recently they have also changed their policy, and they are not very strict about their rules and regulations. I will discuss it later.

Table of Contents

IQ Option Login Problem:

If you are having IQ option login problem that means something has happened with your account and your account is in trouble. There are several reasons why you will not be able to log in. The most common causes are
1. IQ Option has blocked your account
2. You have deleted your account
3. Having multiple accounts
4. Something is wrong with the website server
5. Incorrect Username and Password.

IQ Option has blocked the account:

This is the worst part as a trader to see that IQ Option has blocked your account. And yes, it is frustrating too. There are several reasons for preventing IQ Option Account. The most common cause is spamming and cheating. If you are using the account by not following the rules of IQ Option, you will have trouble for sure. If you want to cheat IQ Option, you will be caught by their authority, and you will get banned. For example, if you use your affiliate link to generate profit, then you will passively get banned by them. On the other hand, if you try to use any cheating technique to make a profit, you will get banned. The good news is that you will never get banned by them if you don’t break their rules and regulations.

You have deleted your account:

Yes. Sometimes it happens if you are not aware of what you are doing. If you remove your account by going to the profile settings, you will also get banned by them. Then you will have IQ Option Login problem, and you will never be able to log in to your account. Many traders delete their accounts by mistake, and they forget them later.

Having multiple accounts:

Having various accounts is strictly forbidden by this broker, and you will have IQ Option Login problems if you do so. If you have any other account rather then your account, make sure that you have blocked/deleted your old accounts for your account’s security reasons. Otherwise, your primary account will get banned by them. So I would suggest you use only one account and be safe.

IQ Option Website is Down:

This is very very rare. Most probably this happens only once a year. Nothing to worry about it if you see their website is down. They will surely come back within a few hours. It happens because of their website maintenance.

Wrong Username and Password:

If you don’t use your email and password correctly, you will not be able to log in on IQ Option, and you will have this IQ Option login problem. Make sure that you have entered the correct information. If you forget your password, there is always an alternative option to reset your password using the reset password option.

For any other emergency reasons, you can contact their support to know precisely the reason behind your login problems. I hope my article will help you to log on to their website. Don’t forget to comment on your issue and experience of IQ Option login & Have a great day.

Mr. Hasan

Mr. Hasan

Mr. Hasan has been an online trader since 2015. He has seven years of experience trading financial instruments such as binary options, forex, crypto, and digital options. He has created this website to share his knowledge of options trading so you can avoid the same mistakes that he had made. In my years of experience, He has learned a lot about trading successfully. He had also learned what not to do, and He wants to share that knowledge with you so you can avoid the same pitfalls that he did. To know more, visit the about page.

  1. IQ Option app does not open

  2. ia problem to Login untill now

  3. Free Mode See Photos
    App not set up: This app is still in development mode, and you don’t have access to it. Switch to a registered test user or ask an app admin for permissions.
    Plz help thiss error

  4. Trading Platform still initializing..!!

  5. A great post, Hasan. I thought my account is banned. But the problem got automatically resolved within a few hours. Maybe it was a server issue.

  6. Changed password but its not signing in just hangs

  7. I cant login

  8. I’ve already created and logged-in to my mobile phone and safari mac browser using my gmail account… it was already verified and confirmed so I downloaded the mac app and when I tried to login using the same gmail account I used in my phone and safari browser, I get an invalid credentials error on login… what should I do?

  9. Dear Iq Option why can’t i Log in. I haven’t put in the wrong password but still, have a problem even when I changed the password after going into my emails and changed it doesn’t want to go threw. What can i do? Please help

  10. Reply
    riezynn harvey isiderio June 11, 2020 at 7:48 pm

    cant log in

  11. Good morning my friend, I am Leroy Wilson from Papua New Guinea I have open my two trading accounts on two different currencies and started trading on bitcoin and other stocks early this year 2021, since five months gone and nothing is improving on my account and I am wondering what would be the problem with my accounts.

  12. I can’t log in my account it say that you entered the wrong credentials. Please check that the login/password in correct

  13. can’t login on my windows 7 device .why?

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